About J. Shah Water Proofers
Owner & Founder MR. JAYESH SHAH has started his journey since 1976 to solve the uncommon solution for very common problems of leakages.
Waterproofing field was in an underdeveloped condition, that time MR. SHAH had decided to enter in this field. He founded that the material available was not enough to solve the problems. He went to EUROPE, contacted the manufacturers & service providers, got experienced & started searching the best available product would work effectively in Indian Climate condition.
MR. SHAH also founded that application was equally important to achieve optimum results and started giving full training to the labor team.Not only proper workmanship but also express them (labor team) the importance of good Behavior, Sincerity, hard work & honesty as a part of an expertise! J. Shah Offering
Terrace & roof Waterproofing in Ahmedabad